Deductions on no income

Elroy36 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer


I don't generally have any taxable income, but was told I can deduct my Mortgage interest and possible charitable contributions. I have had zero income, didn't file anything 9 of the last 10 years.

How would I go about filing a return for those years with no income?



  • rachels
    rachels FreeTaxUSA Agent Posts: 95

    Hi Elroy36,

    Mortgage interest paid on your primary and secondary homes, as well as charitable contributions can be claimed as itemized deductions. This only helps you if your total itemized deductions exceed the standard deduction for your filing status. This link provides a brief overview of the difference between itemized and standard deductions.

    Additionally, please be aware that itemized deductions only lower your taxable income. If you already have no taxable income, then it is likely that adding itemized deductions won't make a difference to your overall tax outcome.

    If you wish to file prior year returns on our website, you can follow these steps:

    1. Go to our homepage:
    2. At the top of the screen, click "Prior Year."
    3. Select the appropriate year and login.
    4. Once you are logged into the correct year, continue through the screens to enter your tax information for that specific year. Our software will fill out your forms for you.

    Please note that prior year returns typically need to be mailed instead of e-filed. Your account will provide mailing instructions to you when you finalize your return.

  • Elroy36
    Elroy36 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thank you!