Trying to File S-Corp Taxes for 2024
I sent in a 2553 to convert an LLC to an S-Corp on 3/15/24. It was mailed via certified mail and the 2553 form was dated before 3/15/24. However, I was given S-Corp status for 2025, not 2024. I have inquired over phone to the IRS, but each time they just say they will have someone research and send me a letter. Each time the letter I receive only says that my S-Corp status for 2025 was approved. But this is not what I filed on the 2553 form and not what my phone inquiries were about.
How do I get recognized as S-Corp for 2024? I heard that there are still options for this and that I can even send copy of the 2553 form with my taxes when I file them next year. But I want to get clarification on this and get professional guidance on this topic. Thank you
Sorry to hear of the problems with your S-Corp election.
You will need to continue to try and work with the IRS on this matter to get it resolved. If you are not able to, then you may consider contacting a local tax professional to assist you with this matter.