1099 pay
If I did work for someone and received a 1099 which I Included in my 2023 tax return(refund is being held ) but the irs is not showing that income on my account transcript. I'm assuming they failed to report it at all. Is there anything I need to do?
If you did work for someone and were paid, this will usually be shown on Form 1099-NEC. Usually, this is attached to a Schedule C and reported as business income. So, I would recommend seeing if this amount is included on the "Business Income or Loss (Schedule C)" section of your transcript. If the 1099-NEC was received for different services, you might try seeing if it is included in a different section.
The transcript that shows on the IRS website should reflect the information that is shown on the return that is filed. If the income is not reported on the transcript, I would recommend logging into your account and viewing the information that you entered into the software to make sure that this income was included on your return.
In regards to your refund, you can track the status of this by visiting the following IRS link: