Maryland requires w2 and 1099 to be attached to e-file return. Is this possible with Free Tax USA?
Maryland requires w2 and 1099 to be attached to e-file return. Is this possible with Free Tax USA?
Yes. Our system uses the modernized e-file system, supported by the IRS and all states. When a return is sent, the W-2s and 1099's are attached as a data file. That is what is required. Hope that answers your question.
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So do I need to scan them into PDF to attach them. Last year I entered the info from my 1099 into my return thinking that was enough. Evidently it was for the federal return, but my state said I failed to attach the 1099-R to my return. It had state tax withholding listed on it and Maryland did not credit it to me since I did not attach it to the return. I received a letter saying I owed several thousand dollars and under-withholding penalties. I mailed a hard copy of the 1099-R into the Comptroller's office and am waiting to hear back.
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So do I need to scan them into PDF to attach them. Last year I entered the info from my 1099 into my return thinking that was enough. Evidently it was for the federal return, but my state said I failed to attach the 1099-R to my return. It had state tax withholding listed on it and Maryland did not credit it to me since I did not attach it to the return. I received a letter saying I owed several thousand dollars and under-withholding penalties. I mailed a hard copy of the 1099-R into the Comptroller's office and am waiting to hear back.
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You typically will be instructed by our software if there is anything separate that you need to mail in. If you would like to have our Customer Support team take a closer look to make sure the instructions provided were correct for your return, they would welcome you reaching out. The best way to contact them is by using the "Support" link in the upper right corner of the screen after you have logged into your account.