New Self-employment expenses deductions

Ski Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited December 2024 in Credits/Deductions


I am a W-2 employee, married filing jointly ($150k combined gross). We have a rental property, and I am starting to do engineering consulting on the side. I have $13k in software expenses for this and will have $0 of income from this business for 2024. I do not have a business license yet but could get one if necessary. I would like to know the best way for deducting this on my taxes to maximize return? Perhaps 5-year depreciation? We filed standardized deductions last year as we did not meet the minimum to file itemized. Thank you!

Best Answers

  • CoryF
    CoryF FreeTaxUSA Agent Posts: 159
    Answer ✓

    Thank you for joining our community, Ski.

    Making sure you are behaving as a business is key. This means keeping accurate records of the business expenses. This is the advice from the IRS:

    To be deductible, a business expense must be both ordinary and necessary. An ordinary expense is one that is common and accepted in your field of business. A necessary expense is one that is helpful and appropriate for your business.

    If the Software expenses meet these definitions, you are able to deduct them even though it will show as a loss for the business. The IRS accepts losses for three years before researching further if this business can be considered a Hobby. Hobby losses are not deductible. Behaving like a business, with business records and profit motivation is how to show the IRS that you are a business. Further information can be read in the Publication 334 for small businesses.

    As for reporting these expenses, you would fill out a Business Income Schedule C when inputting your 2024 tax return. The Schedule C has nothing to do with Standard or Itemized deductions (Schedule A). Losses on Schedule C directly lower gross income from wages.

  • CoryF
    CoryF FreeTaxUSA Agent Posts: 159
    Answer ✓

    Thank you for this reply.

    1. That depends on your business area of expertise and how to operate your business in your home state. The IRS doesn't require that you have a business license to operate.

    2. The loss will lower the combined gross income of your spouse and you.

    Your business loss will lower Adjust Gross Income and lower your taxes.


  • Ski
    Ski Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    thank you, yes it is an ordinary and necessary expense, and I was generally aware of the business vs hobby loss (thank you for detailing it to 3 years). We are diligent on keeping business books separate from personal.

    Following up on your answers:
    1. Does a schedule C require the business to have a business license?

    2. Will the loss lower total combined gross income of my spouse and I, or just of the business?

    Since the business is at $0 of income, but W-2 income is $150k, I am hoping this loss will reduce the W-2 taxable income, thus reducing taxes owed?

  • Ski
    Ski Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    great thank you!