Confusion over NY PFL vs FLI in W-2 section
When filling out my W-2 on box 14, in other I enter the description "NY PFL" and enter the amount, no problem.
The following page: (image removed)
The following page: (image removed)
then asks if you have State Disability Insurance (SDI) or Family Leave Insurance (FLI) shown in box 14 or 19.
Do I select "No" here? - assuming NY PFL is technically different than FLI?
Do I select "Yes" and leave the amount for FLI blank? While also leaving the previous amount entered in box 14 on the previous page?
Or should I leave box 14 on the previous page blank and enter the "NY PFL" amount where I'm asked to enter "IF any Family Leave Insurance (FLI) was withheld? Entering it just as FLI?
Or both enter NY PFL into my W-2 box 14 and also re-enter the same amount onto the third question asking "if any Family Leave Insurance (FLI) was withheld"?
Best Answer
Thank you for joining our community, Ben NY
Making sure you are able to enter the correct value in the right box is very important to us. As part of FreeTaxUSA, I found more information on the Paid Family Leave program with NY. This is actually Family leave insurance. I found this excerpt from the NY government website:
"New York Paid Family Leave is insurance that is funded by employees through payroll deductions. Each year, the Department of Financial Services sets the employee contribution rate to match the cost of coverage. Pursuant to the Department of Tax Notice No. N-17-12 [PDF], Paid Family Leave contributions are deducted from employees’ after-tax wages."
Since this is another Family Leave Insurance (FLI), it is reasonable to enter the $200 as the third box labeled "If any Family Leave Insurance (FLI) was withheld from your wages and is shown in box 14 of this W-2, enter this amount"