Still haven't received my income tax return

I done my income tax return thru u, I did a 2020+2021 return it wouldn't let me do the automatic direct return, so I had to mail it in a in, I mailed both of them on March 10, 2022, I received the 2020, return of 1400 something in Dec 2022, I'm still owed the 2021 income tax refund, what's the hold up, this is redicilous, can you help me with this
Best Answer
Hi greenred01,
Waiting for a refund can be stressful for sure. When you mail a tax return to the IRS, that generally takes much longer to process than a e-filed return or as you say the "automatic direct return."
You can check the status of a refund at this IRS, "Where's My Refund" webpage, but be aware that it will only show the most recent return filed. Try this first. You will need some information for the IRS, so have your 2021 return in front of you.
Otherwise, it is nearly impossible to tell you what the delay could be. It may be related to a credit claimed incorrectly, missing income, etc. and the IRS is reviewing your return. Who really knows. You can call the IRS at 800-829-1040 to see if an IRS agent can assist you.
You may sign into your FreeTaxUSA account and contact Customer Support. We may be able to assist you when we can see what is on your return. At least we can get you headed in the right direction.
I done my taxes with FreeTaxUSA for the last 3 different times+ I check the IRS , Where's my refund at least once or twice a week for months+ I've tried to get to talk to the IRS on the phone+ it's a recording, the problems are they have a bunch of idiots working for them, like most of the Biden Administration, totally they are morons
Thank you for your efforts to get information about the 2021 tax return. In addition to the IRS phone number, you can locate and request a face-to-face meeting with an IRS agent with this IRS office locator. This may be a better option to get the information you want about any delays.
Good Luck
Greenred01 -
Sorry for the frustration this is causing you. Do you remember if you mailed both of your tax returns in the same envelope when you mailed them on March 10, 2022, or separate envelopes?
If both returns were mailed in the same envelope, it is possible when they were received in the mail room at the IRS the 2021 tax return was attached to the back of the 2020 tax return, i.e. stapled together. If that happened, your 2021 tax return may not get processed. There is no way to know if that is the case.
If however, you mailed them separately, it is possible the 2021 return was not received, or lost in the mail, or some other circumstance outside of your control is holding up the processing of your 2021 tax return.
As an alternative, you can send a copy of your 2021 tax return to the IRS again. Make sure you sign and date it. Across the top of the first page of Form 1040, write in big bold letters with a sharpie "Duplicate Return." I suggest you mail it certified mail return receipt requested which will cost about $7 at the post office. This way you will have a better chance of proof of receipt when they receive it in the mail room. It will be date stamped by a mail clerk and you will receive back the little green card you filled out at the post office with that date stamp.
You can mail your return to the appropriate IRS location by finding the address on the very last page of the Instructions for Form 1040.
I sent my income tax returns in the separate envelopes, I received the 2020 refund, the 2021 I haven't received, I go online @ the Where's my refund site+ it says your income tax returns has been received+ is being processed, they must have a bunch of idiots working there, I mailed them both in on March 10, 2022, this is BS
Thanks for that additional info, Greenred01. The good news is the IRS has your 2021 tax return, as frustrating as the wait time is on getting your refund. Depending on your circumstances or need, you could contact your local Taxpayer Advocate and make an in-person appointment. These standalone offices are typically staffed with more experienced IRS personnel and may be able to help expedite the release of your refund or find out what is causing the delay.
Thanks, I'll try calling the Taxpayers Advocate Service