i need help i have bought from many crypto company

MARC2311 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer


that this it gemini and coin base will not give me my taxes paper i put thousand of dollar in to shubi stocks in 2020 and i made million than i got covid all most died could get to my stocks for many months because i was sick in hostipal and after care so the y said i have no more accouint that **** some ome in tghere company lost my money or keep it

i have recipts showing i bought stocks



  • KristineS
    KristineS FreeTaxUSA Agent Posts: 220

    Hi MARCH2311,

    We moved your conversation to a new thread. Here's a link to the original post.

    Very sorry to hear you were sick in the hospital.

    Your best bet is to review information directly from both payers.

    This link here provides information to the Coinbase website on what tax information they provide. And this link here provides information to Gemini's website on finding tax information.

    You can also check your online account with the IRS and get a copy of Wage and Income transcripts to see what was reported under your name and SSN to the IRS for income.

    Start by going to: https://www.irs.gov/your-account

    Sign in or create an account. Once you have verified your ID with ID.me and completed your IRS.gov account, follow these steps.

    On the Welcome page screen, select "View Tax Records' in the Records box.

    On the Tax Records screen, select Wage and Income transcripts for the appropriate year.

    If you believe your loss was due to theft or a scam, you'll need to use your best judgment to make that determination. You might be able to report a loss. Facts and circumstances matter. This Coinledger article is not an official IRS publication, but provides good examples on scam, theft, loss, etc., and can help you make that determination.