Looking for answers about filing income for Amazon Vine free products.

DR803 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Looking for answers about filing income for Amazon Vine free products.

Are there "Tax experts" as suggested in the email I received who know the correct way to enter this information? What form?

This is my first year and I don't want to enter it incorrectly on my tax forms, especially if it means I would be paying more taxes than I should pay as I'm a senior citizen with limited income.

Thank you for your help.



  • AleceN
    AleceN FreeTaxUSA Agent Posts: 21

    Amazon typically issues a 1099 to Vine Members. Once received, you will report a 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC on the software as Self-Employed Income. Here is a link to the IRS website for more information pertaining to taxable and non-taxable income: https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/what-is-taxable-and-nontaxable-income

  • BrookeW
    BrookeW FreeTaxUSA Agent Posts: 3


    Yes, our team of tax experts will be able to provide guidance on where to enter your income from Amazon Vine.

    If you earned $600 or more from Amazon Vine, you will be issued a 1099. This will be entered following this menu path: Income>Business Income>1099-NEC / 1099-MiSC

    After entering your 1099, the software will prompt you to link it to a Schedule C, which will be sent with your return. When you get to the Schedule C section of the software, you will be able to enter expenses associated with this business, which will lower the amount of self-employment tax.

    If you do not receive a 1099 from Amazon Vine, you will need to enter your income directly on a Schedule C by following this menu path: Income>Business Income>Business Income (Schedule C)