401 k

Dia Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

I took out 900$ from my 401k this year, do I have to declare them and if so where? Thank you


  • PhillipB
    PhillipB FreeTaxUSA Team Posts: 90


    Yes, you will need to report the 900 dollars on your return. The company that held the 401k will issue you a 1099-R sometime in January or February, and you will enter that into the return by going to Income > Retirement Income (1099-R). The income will be reported on Form 1040, lines 6a and / or 6b if the withdrawal is taxable.

    Let us know if you have additional questions

    PhillipB Tax Pro Agent, FreeTaxUSA

  • Dia
    Dia Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    thank you so much

  • PhillipB
    PhillipB FreeTaxUSA Team Posts: 90

    My pleasure