Charging for State Tax Filing
Hi, for the past couple of years my income has been greatly reduced (I am semi-retired).
In fact, I don't owe ANYTHING for state taxes (nothing is withheld by Employer).
WHY DOES FTUSA NOT LET ME PAST THE 'REVIEW' step of process without PAYING THE $ 17.99 for State Filing? That seems dishonest, misleading, and just plain WRONG.
Hi ALhal, I'm sorry for any confusion in the filing process. The software will automatically walk you through entering your state information, but you can decide whether you need/want to file the state return when you get to the Final Steps portion of the interview. If you aren't claiming a refund and don't have a filing requirement, you can simply remove the state return from your order when you reach the order screen.
If you have already paid for a state return that you don't actually need and don't plan to file, we'd like to help with that. Please reach out to Customer Support to request a refund by signing in to your account, clicking on SUPPORT in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, and sending a message.