Can I still claim my daughter as a dependent?

My daughter turned 18 on 2023. She worked but made less than 13,000. So she will have wages and interest. Will she have to file? Am I able to still claim her? She didn't gave taxes deducted as we knew she would be under the threshold. Thanks in advance.
Hi mizzfreeman,
The 2023 standard deduction for a single taxpayer is $13,850. Generally, you are not required to file individual taxes if income was lower than that amount.
If your daughter did not provide more than half of her own support, lived with you, and generally there were no other changes (for example, marriage), you likely qualify to still claim her as a dependent.
Age is a factor in claiming a qualifying child as a dependent. Based on the information given however, your daughter would still qualify if she turned 18 in 2023. To meet the age test of a qualifying child:
The child must be (a) under age 19 at the end of the year and younger than you (or your spouse if filing jointly); (b) under age 24 at the end of the year, a student, and younger than you (or your spouse if filing jointly); or (c) any age if permanently and totally disabled.
Our software can help determine if a dependent can be claimed when you enter the information in the "Personal" > "Dependents" section, but until the 2023 software is available, you're welcome to double check with the following IRS tool:
Whom May I Claim as a Dependent? | Internal Revenue Service (