State Tax Payment Owed - Change Date Selected for Bank Withdrawal

TaxContactNetwrk Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

I've completed and submitted my FreeTaxUSA personal tax filings for federal and state taxes. I owe some money on my State taxes and chose a Date for payment by bank withdrawal at the time I submitted my tax returns online. Can I change that payment Date in my FreeTaxUSA personal tax return filing account? Does changing my bank withdrawal date for state taxes involve amending my tax return in FreeTaxUSA?

Best Answer

  • kiarab
    kiarab FreeTaxUSA Agent Posts: 114
    Answer ✓


    Once your returns have been submitted and accepted for processing, there isn’t a way for us to change your bank withdrawal. You may be able to contact your state’s DOR and have them stop it or change the date, but that really depends on the state.

    If your returns happen to be rejected, you should be able to go back and change the date for the bank withdrawal before fixing the rejection and resubmitting your returns.

    Amendments are to fix tax information on your return, not information like direct debit or direct deposit that doesn’t.
