What is an Identity Protection (IP) PIN?

It's possible the IRS has asked you to use an IP PIN because in a prior year someone either
1) Used your ID to file a fraudulent return.
2) Claimed a dependent fraudulently.
So, an IP PIN is used to protect your tax filing from fraud.
FreeTaxUSA software accommodates Identity Protection (IP) PINs.
You can locate that screen in the Misc tab or when asked for Miscellaneous items.
This entry is required if you are receiving IP PINs from the IRS.
You can read more from the IRS on IP PINs here: IRS Page on IP PINs.
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It's important to note the IRS will not accept your tax return either electronically or by mail if you do not include a required IP PIN.
And, you don't have to be the victim of ID theft to get an IP PIN. You can request one for yourself, your spouse or your dependents after passing an ID verification process.
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What if I never needed or got one?
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If you never needed or got one, what are you asking? If you don't need one, you don't need to put it on your tax return.