Home Maintenance Labor

Heresheis111 Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
edited January 2024 in Credits/Deductions

Can I write off any labor hours I do myself for home maintenance? For example, replacing the carpet, landscaping, painting, etc. I should also note that I have renters that live in the house with me. Some of the labor was specifically for the rooms I rent out, and some was for the property as a whole.



    JMSSGV Member Posts: 154

    You cannot deduct the value of your time for either business or personal reasons. If you are making repairs and incurring expenditures that are related to the rental portion of your home, you can deduct the cost of any labor you pay others, as well as materials and supplies (unless they are large items which must be depreciated.) For expenditures that relate to the entire home, you would need to pro-rate the expenses.