how to access the free state filing.

When I started my boyfriends return, I was given a choice of free filing for state and federal if income was under a certain amount. I can't remember exact amount, but he qualified. I finished and submitted both for free.
Ok now my turn the only difference between our returns is mine is $6000 less than his. it wants to charge me for state. I cant even find any info for free state filing. I went to the pricing options page and it doesn't say anything about it. I am sure I'm just missing something obvious.
Best Answers
You have to go through the IRS FreeFile Program in order to see if you're eligible to file your state return for free.
Alternatively, your state may have its own free program.
You will need to access the website using the FreeFile link and then create an account at that time if you wish to use the FreeFile option for a free state return. Unfortunately, we aren't able to transfer an account that was created on our commercial website to the FreeFile version. You can find a link to our FreeFile website from the IRS site that JMSSGV provided above or go directly to it at
FreeTaxUSA has 100% free filing for federal returns with no income limitations.
Our state tax returns are $14.99 per state.
thank you.
On FreeTaxUSA's website, it says that State returns are $14.99 per state, however the IRS's own website says that FreeTaxUSA has free state returns in all states. If I remember correctly, it was the same for last year as well. I'm aware that nobody here can change what appears on the IRS's website, but maybe the message can somehow make it's way up the chain. It's just a straight up lie on the IRS's website and nobody seems to care enough to change it.
On our free file site, the state returns are free. You do need to meet certain qualifications to get a free state return, otherwise it is the same as our commercial site (Free federal and state returns are $14.99). If you are not seeing any mention of a free state return on our site, then you are on our commercial site and not the free file site (
As mentioned before, if you created an account on our commercial site, you will need to create a new account on the free file to get the free state return if you qualify.