Can I use both Dependent Care FSA and Child Care Credit? How to in FreeTaxusa

tbxavier Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

 I am married filing jointly with my wife. We have 2 kids in two separate daycare. We both have Dependent care FSA through our jobs and we contributed a total of $5000 between us. We want to claim the Child care credit since the IRS allows you to apply up to $6,000 of dependent care expenses to your taxes (2 or more qualifying kids). In our case it would be $1000 ($6000 - $5000).

  1. Am I right about this?
  2. How do I actually claim this using Freetaxusa? Under deductions/credits > Child care credit : I can enter my childcare provider name and address etc. It then ask "how much do you pay for each person's childcare?

A. Do I input the actual total amount of childcare for the year (e.g ) for each child which would be thousands of dollars? OR

B. Do I input the $1000 under ONE child and leave the amount under the other blank?

FYI: When i do option (B), I see my refund increase at the top of the screen, however I get a message stating:
" Unfortunately you don't qualify for the child care credit for the following reasons:
You have zero child care expenses eligible for child care credit because you participate in a dependent care benefit plan through work. Dependent care benefitS taken out of your wages reduce the amount of child care expenses available for the credit.

This confuses me as on one hand I see the refund increasing and on the other hand I am getting this message. I need to know if I am doing the right thing. Thanks in advance


  • tbxavier
    tbxavier Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thanks for your response. I did figure it out.

  • simps2036
    simps2036 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I am having the same issue you had. How did you figure it out?

  • KeriC
    KeriC FreeTaxUSA Agent Posts: 122

    @simps2036 When entering your W-2, make sure you enter the dependent care benefits listed in Box 10. Then, when you enter the provider information, enter the full amount that was paid to the provider. The software will then subtract the dependent care benefits reported on your W-2 from the qualified expenses to only calculate the credit based on the care amounts paid to the provider out of pocket.

  • Cmw2016
    Cmw2016 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I’m having a similar concern. I did do the FSA 5k max but we paid 12k in childcare. I was under the impression we could still get some Child care credit do to being way over the 5k in expenses. 1 child married filling joint.

  • rachels
    rachels FreeTaxUSA Agent Posts: 77

    Hi Cmw2016,

    No, if you only have one eligible child, the maximum is $3,000 in expenses for the Child Care Credit. This IRS link provides an example of how dependent care benefits from your employer would reduce the qualifying expenses for this credit.

    Basically, the $5,000 you received in benefits from your employer is used to reduce that $3,000 down to $0 qualifying expenses for the Child Care Credit. So, even though your child care expenses were much more than that, you still would not get the Child Care Credit on your return.

  • Cmw2016
    Cmw2016 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    even if I fully funded it? Employer did not contribute a cent of the 5,000

  • MatthewD
    MatthewD FreeTaxUSA Team Posts: 386

    Hi Cmw2016,

    You already get an income adjustment (subtraction) for contributing to the FSA. When you fill out the child care section, you must enter the expenses paid and what was used from an FSA and the software makes the calculation for you.