How did your company get away with stealing our EIP checks

Daveandnori Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

I'd like to know how your company absconded with our 2400, and subsequent 2800, supposedly deposited in to our accounts



  • MatthewD
    MatthewD FreeTaxUSA Team Posts: 386
    edited February 2024

    Hi @Daveandnori

    I understand just how frustrating this must be. You claim a refund from the IRS and then it never comes.

    The Economic Impact Payments (EIP) were issued in two separate years to stimulate the economy; 2020 and 2021 and were payments passed by the US Congress. If a person did not file a prior year return in 2019, the IRS made a credit called the Recovery Rebate Credit to claim that EIP. If you were retired and collecting Social Security Benefits, the IRS used the information from the Social Security Administration to automatically make the payment to senior citizens. Often seniors did not even know the payment made it directly to their accounts until they looked at bank statements.

    I am trying to imagine how our company could get ahold of your refund for an EIP. We never handle any refunds. They either go straight to you by direct deposit or check, to a pre-paid debit card in your name, or to a refund transfer account in your name.

    There is another possibility. The IRS sends all refunds through the Treasure Department's Fiscal Services, through the Treasure Offset Program, which can withhold any judgements against you for back state taxes, child support claims etc.

    For details see:

    I hope this information helps you figure out what happened to your EIP Stimulus payments.