Freet Tax USA Does not Accept NYCID Document

BgemSH Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

NYC has a ID card called NYCID and this si considered one of NYC IDs that can be used by any NYC resident, but Free Tax USA does not accept this when filing taxes as a legit form of ID


  • KeriC
    KeriC FreeTaxUSA Agent Posts: 109

    You are correct; the FreeTaxUSA does not allow for the entry of a city ID when it asks for identification. A driver's license and state-issued ID are the two options that can be entered. If you do not have a driver's license or a state-issued ID, you can instead select No when asked if you have a driver's license or state ID.

    Per the IDNYC website, using the ID when filing a tax return is not one of the listed uses or benefits.

    You may also view the NY state requirements for a driver's license or non-driver ID at:

  • BgemSH
    BgemSH Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thank for your very informtive response. However, unless I missed it, there is no option to select No. Can you elabprate more about where this can be found.

    Correction to your last statement regarding IDNYC,…New Yorkers who earned $54,000 or less with children, or $30,000 or less without children, can file their taxes for free at one of more than 200 in-person sites across the city, like the Ariva site at Spring Bank in the Bronx. IDNYC is accepted as the photo ID needed to file your taxes.

  • JanaA
    JanaA FreeTaxUSA Agent Posts: 71

    You are correct, you can use IDNYC as photo ID to file your taxes at an NYC Free Tax Prep site. This option is not however available in our software.

    You are welcome to file your return without providing identification. You can do this by selecting the "Final Steps" tab and then "Driver's License" from the drop-down menu. Here you can select that you do not have a driver's license or state ID. This will allow you to file your return without this information.