Can I use FreetaxUSA as a nonresident for state tax filing alone?

varunpaul0505 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

I'm an international student who does not meet the substantial presence test and have used another software to prepare my federal taxes (1040NR). However I have been trying to use FreetaxUSA for state tax filing by entering in that I am a nonresident of the state(s). Would it work for me?

Best Answer

  • Henry
    Henry FreeTaxUSA Agent Posts: 109
    Answer ✓

    Hi varunpaul0505, in order to file a state tax return, you would need to enter all of your federal information first. This is because our software uses a lot of the information and calculations from the federal tax return to calculate the state tax return. Since we do not support Form 1040-NR, we may not be able to transfer the correct federal amounts to your state return. Thus, you will likely need to find another way to prepare the state return in order to ensure that it is done accurately.