Does FreeTaxUSA Support 1040-ES Voucher(s) (for upcoming year)?

I used FTUSA for first time this year (love it!). One thing I noticed was that it didn't generate four(4) 1040-ES vouchers for the upcoming year based on this year's return. (which I've often seen on other tax platforms)
I don't care so much about the actual vouchers themselves - but rather the amount(s) calculated on those vouchers. Is there a way to access that information quickly/easily from within my return or account on FTUSA?
(I'm sure I can calculate the safe harbor amount myself - just curious if FTUSA had this info calculated somewhere already)
Hi TRhao,
You will fine the 2024 1040-ES vouchers on the MISC menu. We never lock that page and you can always sign in, change the amount and print the vouchers as often as needed.