Can I file and pay for state (CA), and file extension for Federal?

I need to pay the state return to avoid late penalties, and I might as well go through the whole filing process and pay what I owe, too. Can I file and pay for my state return on the FTB site, and file an extension for Federal on FreeTaxUSA, and pay the estimated tax that I owe for Federal as well?
What's the best way forward in my case? I'd still like more time to work through my return and get more questions answered.
Should I just file and pay the Federal, and amend later? I know there's a fee for amending. Is there no fee for filing an extension, and filing it later, within 6 months?
You can file your CA state tax return on our site. And you could also pay your state taxes due.
Yes, you can file an extension up through the deadline, April 15.
Keep in mind that to e-file your CA return, it must be e-filed at the same time as your federal.
You can file a federal return and then amend it, if you have corrections to make. Try out our Deluxe package which included free amendments.