Using Free Tax USA as a tax preparer
I have seen the option to add a PTIN and EFIN but I have a few questions:
How many file returns could I send as a tax preparer?
Is there an extra fee for using the software as a tax preparer?
Thanks for your help!
Greetings Curiara and welcome to the FreeTaxUSA Community!
I used FreeTaxUSA to file the tax returns for some family members, so I added my PTIN, EFIN & EIN since I was paid to prepare the returns. I didn't encounter an extra fee for using the software as a tax preparer.
As for whether or not there is a limit to the number of returns that may be e-filed on behalf of clients, I'm looking into this..
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Hi RyanZ!
Thanks for your prompt response.
I remain attentive to your comments.0 -
If you do not enter paid preparer information in your account (menu path: Misc menu > Paid Preparer), you can only prepare 5 returns with the same email or phone number. If you enter your paid preparer credentials, that limitation should be removed for you.
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Hi Rachels!
Great! Thank you!
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I thought that you might be interested to know that I reviewed my EFIN activity through E-Services and each of the tax returns that I submitted through FreeTaxUSA are accounted for.
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Wonderful! This was really helpful! Now I know how to prepare for next season.
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Hi RyanZ,
I just got my EFIN and PTIN, do I need to create a new account or use my existing account when preparing taxes for others on freetaxusa? Thanks
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You add your EFIN and PTIN to any tax return you are getting paid to prepare. Your EFIN will be verified initially.
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Do we use our existing account (the one I use to file my tax return) to file a Tax Return for others ? Thanks
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Your FreeTaxUSA account is only used once to file your personal income tax return. You should never use your personal account to file a tax return for someone else. Once a return is filed and accepted, it can only be amended. This is a historical record of your tax return.
We recommend any tax return you prepare for another person using FreeTaxUSA software is prepared in it's own separate account where you will add your EFIN, PTIN, and preparer information. You may choose to use your same email address as the email address of record, but creating a unique account for each tax return is recommended.
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Thank you so much for the clarification!
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When/where do I enter my EFIN and PTIN? Is it at the end of the tax return or is there an account info section that I should add it into?
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You can enter that information by going to Misc > Personal > Paid Preparer. As you work through those screens, you will be prompted to enter your PTIN and EFIN information. If you are filing tax returns for multiple clients, you will need to enter that information in each account you create for your customers.
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I entered my EFIN into the Paid Preparer section but received the following message:
"The EFIN you entered is not valid. Please double-check it. If you don't have an EFIN, answer 'No' to the question that asks if you have one."I answered "Yes" and proceeded to the next page, where I was able to enter my information as it appears on my EFIN, except for the EFIN itself, which is not required there.
I contacted the IRS, and they confirmed that my EFIN is active and has no issues.
Has anyone experienced this problem with FreeTaxUSA? Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated!
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Your EFIN should be a 6-digit number. Have you confirmed that you are entering your 6-digit EFIN?
How recently did you get your EFIN? If it was issued very recently, that might explain the problem with your EFIN entry in your FreeTaxUSA account. Please try waiting a week or two, then re-trying.
If you continue to have trouble getting the EFIN entry to work in your account, you may want to reach out to our customer support team from within your account.
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How would I sign as a Non-Paid Preparer for friends and family that I will not charge? I have an active PTIN & new EFIN. I am new at independent preparing. Thank you.
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Hi BMOreilly,
If you are not being paid to prepare the tax return, you typically won't need to enter your PIN or EFIN. You will just enter the taxpayer's information into their account. If you decide that you want to enter that information anyways, you would go to Misc > Paid Preparer, answer YES, then enter that information.
For the tax returns you ARE being paid to prepare, you would need to make sure to go to Misc > Paid Preparer to enter the necessary information for that section.
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I have a recently acquired EFIN but I have a PTIN that has been active for a few years. I have a few questions that I was hoping someone could help answer:
1. Is it possible to file as a paid preparer with a PTIN but not enter an EFIN? I only ask because I read above that someone else was having trouble with a recently acquired EFIN.2. I just created an account and it asks me questions as if I was doing my own return but I assume that for each client I just fill it up as if the client was doing their own and then go to the misc section to enter the paid preparer details, is that correct?
3. Even if a paid preparer's info is entered can the client still select and pay for the audit defense service?