Who owes money? - SS Tax Withheld
Last year my W2 said I earned $29,235 (box 3) and $3,636 was withheld for Social Security (box 4). I was informed by FreeTaxUSA that my [former] employer overpaid/withheld and owed me $1818. Now the employer says that he made a mistake on box 4 on the W2. He should've stated $1818 (just the portion he withheld from my wages). If he amends the W2, do I have to re-do last year's taxes? Moreover, who owes money - me?
Best Answer
Reporting excess Social Security withholdings from a single employer does not affect your tax return. If your W-2 shows too much Social Security Tax withheld, you would need to go directly to your employer to have the excess amount refunded.
If your employer withheld the correct amount but entered W-2, box 4 incorrectly, you won't owe money or need to file an amended return. You just won't be able to claim a refund from your employer since there was no excess Social Security withheld.
Ok great! So if he withheld the correct amount ($1818) and also paid the IRS ($1818), then he wouldn't need to amend my income by adding $1818? He just needs to correct box 4?
That is correct. Unless your employer reported the wrong amount in Box 1 of your W-2, the amount of wages originally reported on your return should be correct.