How does IRS reimburse on over paid SS tax

AUcrnp3010 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Thank you in advance for the help.

This was my first year overpaying on Social Security tax. The situation is that I have a full-time job and a part-time job. In my full-time job at or around November 2024 Social Security tax quit being taken out of my paychecks.

However, I continued to work once or twice a month from Nov 24 to Dec 24 in my part-time job (which obviously the two do not link up) … so social security tax from my prn job continued to be taken out.

The combination of withdrawals of SS tax from my full-time job plus my part-time job put me at a overpaying status…

so when I filed through the website, it did ask me to confirm that this was true… I confirmed and uploaded all appropriate w2s but it did not state on how I would be reimbursed (it told me the amount but not if it would be within my standard refund which it was not bc I already received that amount).

So just trying to get clarification on this as this is the first time it has happened to me.


    JMSSGV Member Posts: 154

    If you earned over $168,600 between the two employers and entered the correct Box 4 amounts from your W-2, you should have a credit on Line 11 of Schedule 3 of your 1040. Please look there.

  • AUcrnp3010
    AUcrnp3010 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I did make over on the COMBINED earnings. And I did look on the schedule III line 11 and there is an amount of thereBut again the refund amount that the online Free text USA reported did not include to the best of my knowledge the amount that I am supposed to be refunded for pain overall Social Security so is this a separate refund or my just mistaking in that amount actually is included in the total refund amount that I already received?

    JMSSGV Member Posts: 154

    You dont get a separate refund for the overpaid SS tax. It's included in your total payments, just as if it were additional withholding.

    Follow the line entries: The number on line 11 of Sch. 3 is totalled with your other refundable credits at the bottom of that page. That number carries to line 31 of your 1040 where it's added in with the rest of your payments and is totalled on line 33. Your tax liability is on line 24. The difference between lines 24 and 33 results in either a refund or a balance due. But your SS overpayment is taken into account either way and you are getting the full benefit of it.