Help with cost basis on Roth IRA non-qualified distribution

fxu Member Posts: 3 Newcomer


I need some help understanding my rollover + non-qualified distribution to minimize my tax liability (if any) and not get flagged for doing something silly.

I had a Roth 401k with my previous job that I rolled over DIRECTLY to my Roth IRA. I received 2 1099Rs for this rollover.

1099R #1

X Total distribution

Box1: $12983 (gross)

Box2a: $12983 (taxable amount)

Box4: $2597 (tax withheld)

Box7: G (distr. code)

1099R #2

X Total Distribution

Box1: $17065 (gross)

Box2a: $0 (taxable amount)

Box4: $0 (taxable amount)

Box5: $13851 (employee contributions)

Box7: H (distr. code)

Box11: 2022 (year designated roth cont.)

Then, I had made a bunch of withdrawals due to personal issues (I do not meet the hardship criteria for these). This my 1099R from my Roth IRA for the distributions:

Box1: $39,800 (gross)

Box2b: X (taxable amount not determined)

Box4: $8756 (tax withheld)

Box7: J (distr. code)

I added up my cash contributions that I personally made PRIOR to 2024 to this Roth IRA and it came out to be $12,550.

Is it fair to say that my Roth IRA basis is the $12,550 + $13,851 (box5, contribution on 1099R #2) = $26,401?

Or am I going about this all wrong?
