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Re: EV Credit Rejection for VIN: Clean energy credit
Hi LoreiLS, Answer Updated: When your EV credit is rejected for a mismatched VIN, we have a solution. Here is the rejection notice you will get: "Vehicle Identification Number Rejected The IRS i…7 · -
Re: Refund same as taxes paid
In most situations, if your W-4 is filled out correctly, you shouldn't be getting large refunds. The goal of the W-4 is to get you as close to "break even" as possible. If you haven't updat…1 · -
Re: What do I do if my refund was rejected?
Your refund wasn't rejected. Your tax return was rejected. What was the reason given for the reject?1 · -
Re: Excess HSA Contribution withdrawal - How to handle it in FreeTaxUSA?
Hi Question, Thanks for providing such great detail. I'll do my best to respond. Working in reverse order, unless you filed a timely extension for your 2023 tax return, the additional time to withdra…1 · -
Re: Paid preparer and taxpayer signature
Hi copley5, If you are a Paid Preparer, the FreeTaxUSA software will provide you a Form 8879, IRS e-file Signature Authorization that your client can sign to authorize e-filing of their tax return. P…1 · -
Re: Other/misc income not counted as Earned Income
What type of income was the miscellaneous/other income? You can only base IRA contributions on earned income. If you didn't identify it as earned income in the software, you can't use it to determine…1 · -
Re: Name Change and Filing Taxes
Hello Sammypaige, The IRS gets their name and any social security information from the Social Security Office. If you got a new SS card, then you should be okay to file with your new last name. As lo…1 · -
Name Change and Filing Taxes
I changed my last name on May 1st of 2024 after I got married. I went to the social security office and received my new card. I changed everything else to my new name afterwards. I'm aware when I fil…1 · -
Re: PayPal Goods and Services are reimbursements for product reviews
Thank you for joining our community e94904. You are performing a service even if you have a $0 profit at the end of the service. So, the right way to report this 1099-K income is on the Schedule C si…2 · -
Re: Filed Wrong Banking Information
If you're referring to your direct deposit information (assuming you were expecting a refund:…1 ·