HSA Potentially Doubled HSA Contributions Alert

Ctax Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

In Box 12 on my W2 I have 940. On the 1099-SA, Box 1 531.56.

I made my own out of pocket contribution $3120. I put this on the HSA prompt and it says:

"You told us that both you and your employer made contributions to your HSA. If you entered HSA contributions made by your employer as contributions made by you, some of your HSA contributions could incorrectly be included as taxable income on your tax return. Go back to the Health Savings Account Information screen if you need to make any changes. If the information you entered is correct because both you and your employer contributed to your HSA, simply continue with your return."

I think it's counting the 940 twice and adding to the contribution, since it auto populates the 940 in the hsa section. I tried changing box 12 to $0 and adding total contribution as $4150 from my 5498-SA and there was no error. But that doesn't feel right and I also feel like I'm getting less than I should because of this error. So what am I supposed tot do?



  • MatthewD
    MatthewD FreeTaxUSA Team Posts: 464

    Hi Ctax,

    To clarify, the 1099-SA is about HSA distributions, not contributions, so I don't think anything is doubled on your W2. The 5498-SA has the total contributions for each year. Use it to reconcile your HSA contributions you and your employer make.

    Enter it the way it was at first and ignore the yellow alert on the HSA section. You may want to contact Customer Support for more direct assistance with further questions.