Amending State Taxes Prior Year

stvt23 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


After going over my 2023 taxes, I noticed when I filed my taxes with H&R Block last year, there was a mistake with my state taxes.

I am active duty military stationed in a different state than my home of record, California. I did not know at the time that if you are active duty not residing in California, you are considered tax exempt. So last year I paid California state taxes and this year I did not. Is there a way to amend this with freetaxusa or will I need to fill out the 1040 and 540NR forms and mail them to California?


  • RyanZ
    RyanZ FreeTaxUSA Agent Posts: 74

    Hello stvt23, and welcome to the FreeTaxUSA Community!

    You are correct, that your active-duty income isn't taxable to California, and you don't need to file an state tax return with California if you had no other income sourced from California.

    Yes, you may use FreeTaxUSA to file an amended 2022 tax return. If there are no changes to what you report on the federal return, you will only need to file an amended return with California

    To use FreeTaxUSA to amend a return, you will need to enter all of the information that was included on the Federal return EXACTLY. Then you will need to enter the information for the ORIGINAL return for California EXACTLY. After you confirm the draft return in the software matches EXACTLY the original returns, you will select that you want to "Mail" the returns. You won't actually mail the return. This action locks your original information so that you can then begin the amend process.

    Please contact support while logged into your FreeTaxUSA account if you have specific questions to entering your information.