Page of W2 local wage / tax didn’t upload.

Hi I have 3 W2’s or 3 pages from employer; federal, state and local. When I upload to the software it looks like it uploaded just federal and state.
Live in NJ and work in Phila PA. I know that Phila local tax can be used as a “sort of credit” for NJ state return. I also know that I don’t need to fill out a PA tax return.
The problem is on the page I’m referring to that I don’t see uploaded in the software it has…
Box 18(local wages) $XYZ
Box 19(local income tax) $2775
Box 20(locality name) 51 PHILA
So know I’m confused. I’m already done the federal part and haven’t moved onto the state part.
Appreciate the help!
Edit; on a different software a colleague told me he has these sections
Income and taxes withheld; box 1-14
State taxes; box 15-17
Local taxes; associated state(PA), box 18(local wages and tips), box 19(local income tax), box 20(locality name).
In free tax USA I’m not seeing Local taxes section?
Our W2 upload is still in the Beta phase. A two-page W2 document is not included in our W2 model. Please make sure you review your W2 upload and fill in any missing information.
That was the problem. Free tax didn’t upload all the W2’s.
Actually my W2 from employer is 4 pages to be filed by employee.