Business & Rentals
How do I attach Form 1099 using a mobile device?
How do I deduct the home office expense if I have more than one business in the same home office?
How to attach a Form 1099 to your return - The walkthrough
How to attach a Form 1099 to your return?
What are rental days vs. personal use days?
Can I withdrawal money from my retirement account without having to pay the 10% penalty?
How are incentive (or statutory) stock options (ISO) taxed? and reported?
How do I report nonqualified stock options (NSO) or non-statutory stock options (NSQO or NQO)?
What are restricted stock units (RSU)?
What is an employee stock purchase plan (ESPP) and how is the income reported and taxed?
Deductions / Credits
What is the pro rata rule and why do I need to know it?
Paying back the premium tax credit due to increase in income
What can I do if I have unreimbursed employee business expenses?
What to do if I never filled out Form 8606 for past nondeductible IRA contributions
Why would I fill out the injured spouse allocation form?
What does Maryland allow for the deduction for unreimbursed employee expenses?
What does Minnesota allow for the deduction for unreimbursed employee expenses?
What does New York allow for the deduction for unreimbursed employee expenses?
What does Pennsylvania allow for the deduction for of unreimbursed employee expenses?
What states allow a deduction for unreimbursed employee expenses?
IRS News
Your tax return and payment may not be considered “on time” if sent April 15th
Your Account and Security
How to ensure password safety
What are passkeys and are they better than passwords?
What is phishing, and what do I need to know about it?
Why you should use a password manager